Wednesday, June 4, 2008

AT&T Hits State Roadblock in U-Verse Box Installation

AT&T must get the permission of abutting landowners and municipalities before it can install utility boxes for its new U-verse television service, the Connecticut Department of Public Utility Control said in a decision released Tuesday.

The telecommunications giant has been installing the refrigerator-sized boxes in areas where U-verse, which competes with cable TV, is available.

Attorney General Richard Blumenthal had filed complaints with the DPUC saying state law requires consent from abutting property owners when modifications are made to the public right-of-way.

David Mancuso, a spokesman for AT&T, said the company would analyze the decision before commenting in detail.

"Our team is reviewing the ruling so we can fully understand what the implications are," Mancuso said. "We hope that it won't in any way impact consumers' ability to have a choice of competition for video service in Connecticut."

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